“As a coach, Josh took the time to see my heart which helped him help me draw out my voice. He then gave me a compliment, maybe two, and hammered me with some great ideas on how I could improve. I now feel mostly challenged, but also encouraged. I especially feel I have better tools to help me become a better writer in the future.”
Jeff Enns
Columnist, Sideroads of Caledon & King
Free Coaching Session
After working with a lot of authors, I've discovered that I'm really good at adding value to projects. I used to charge $75 for coaching sessions, but now view it as my “working interview.”
I’m confident you’ll walk away from our meeting with a clearer understanding of your project, regardless of whether you work with me further.
Please complete this form, the Writing Questionnaire (below), and email me a sample of your work (if desired), and I’ll coach you for up to 45 minutes. I will, of course, conclude with a brief (and low pressure) preview of my services. I’ll also send you a copy of my book Radically Normal so you can check out my writing chops. There will be no other obligation.*
*The fine print: Subject to availability. One coaching session per person. Writing sample must not represent more than 10% of the entire project. This service is intended for people with book-length projects and I reserve the right to refuse service for any reason. If you don't hear back from me within one week, your email may have gotten stuck in my spam filter. Please try to contact me via the web contact form. |